
Thank you for visiting this site.  It is maintained by Cornetet, Meyer, Rush & Kirzner Co., L.P.A., an Ohio law firm which serves clients in Hamilton County, Butler County, Clermont County, and Warren County. This is an informational site about the estate laws of the State of Ohio.

Coping with the loss of a loved one is always difficult. Your fear and anxiety can stem from many unanswered questions about your future and finances. Going through probate, dealing with a lawyer, and making financial de­cisions may be overwhelming.

This website is designed to answer some of the questions that you may have about the estate administration process, taxes, and probate.  The loss of a loved one is emotionally and physically draining.  To add to the difficulties you have to deal with areas of financial and legal issues that are completely foreign and complex.  You will have to deal with lawyers, appraisers, the court, and creditors.  The proceeding can be time consuming, overwhelming, and expensive.

The purpose of this site is to help you understand in a simple manner the complex rules that you may be facing. Hopefully, it helps to ease your tension and makes a difficult time easier.

Most important of all, this site allows you to get answers to your questions. You can contact a Probate Attorney with your question and receive a response within 48 hours.